Relationships are inherently complex & vulnerable, …

 …but, with the right support, they are also our greatest avenue for healing.




Together Known specializes in Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), a model of therapy grounded in research & centered around relationships.


You can expect EFT sessions to be:


about julia

Empathy & Curiosity


I didn’t always know I would be a therapist, but I always had a thing for relationships.

As the middle child in a family of three where I had to learn to be flexible and bring people together from an early age, I became skilled at empathizing and understanding different perspectives. I observed and engaged with the relationships around me and became curious about what made some really seem to work while others fell apart.

Experience & Expertise


I pursued my studies in Marital and Family Therapy and was drawn to the humanistic, systemic, and relational aspects of Emotionally Focused Therapy. My advanced and ongoing training in EFT and the countless clients I get to serve, continue to teach me that central to healthy functioning is our ability to create secure and connected bonds with others.

  • Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (#108114)

  • Master’s in Marital & Family Therapy from the University of San Diego

  • Ten Years of experience working in the field

  • Advanced Training in Emotionally Focused Therapy including:

    • Completion of EFT Externship

    • Completion of Core Skills

    • Ongoing individual supervision with an EFT supervisor

    • Active member of ICEEFT


I AM the therapist for you if…

  • I have immense respect for my clients that choose to invest in their relationships in such an intentional way. Whether you have been together a long time or are trying to establish healthy patterns early on, putting work into your relationship shows how much you value it.

  • I’m here to bring my expertise and training to facilitate the process, but I value your collaboration, feedback, and willingness to dive in together.

  • I’m fascinated by the science of relationships and am constantly learning and growing in an ever-evolving field. I love to share some of this education with my clients if it’s helpful and relevant in our work together.



I’m NOT the therapist for you if…

  • Behaviors, while not always effective, do serve a function for all of us. In my work as a therapist, I'm much more driven to understand why someone does what they do vs. putting them into a limiting box. From this place of understanding and empathy, change begins.

  • While EFT is considered a short-term therapy, it is an experiential process that does take some time and work. I’d rather us work towards lasting and meaningful change than slap a bandaid on the symptoms.

  • I love my clients and being part of their lives and relationships in an intimate way. However, it is also my goal that through the process of therapy you get to a point where you feel equipped and secure to move forward on your own. You're always welcome to check back in, but I'm confident that you won't always need me.


“To be loved but not known is comforting but superficial. To be known and not loved is our greatest fear. But to be fully known and truly loved is, well, a lot like being loved by God. It is what we need more than anything. It liberates us from pretense, humbles us out of our self-righteousness, and fortifies us for any difficulty life can throw at us.”

-Timothy Keller


Are you ready to be fully known?

If so, I’m ready to help.